Headlines: Criminal Courts, Kangaroo Courts, and the EU Lurches Right

by | Jun 11, 2024 | 2024 Elections, Abortion, Bible Prophecy, Christianity, End Times, Marxism, Mary Danielsen, Podcast, Pro-Life, Progressive Politics | 0 comments

Mary Danielsen discusses top headlines for this 162nd day of 2024. Around 50% of the world will hold elections this year, a watershed year for ideologies. The right, in a global sense, is on full boil over globalist power grabs over climate change and other tyrannical issues. What does this mean for those who believe they have a right to rule us all? Is this a window of grace on our world, considering the track we are on toward a world government? We also discuss the ICC/World Court power grab and what it might mean down the road when the US no longer holds this kind of rogue power at bay and accountable. Weaponized courts, the Hague, abortion stats and immigration are all up for grabs in a full hour on page 1 of the paper.

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