Steve Smothermon: Prepare for Attacks From All Sides!

by | Oct 8, 2020 | American Church, Church Leadership, Culture & Morality, Government, Pastor's Perspective, Podcast, Religious Freedom | 0 comments

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TODAY’S GUEST: Pastor Steve Smotherman, senior pastor of Legacy Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is also an author and speaker who believes in staying true to God’s Word and refusing to compromise or cater to culture. His church is now ministering in 4 campus locations and on local TV, focusing on delivering and applying the Word of God in practical, life-changing and unapologetic ways. He and his wife Cynthia have been married over 30 years, have 3 children, and 8 incredible grand-kids.

Being unashamed of the gospel causes us to speak the truth in love and preach the whole counsel of God. We discuss the attacks that often come against us when confronting evil and sin in our culture – and the fact those attacks can often come from within the church.Steve Smothermon can relate.

Listen to part of his personal experience from 2016 and the fallout resulting from him accepting an invitation to speak and pray at a Trump campaign rally. Steve also shares how his church has handled Covid 19 issues and has continued operating, meeting and ministering despite an ongoing battle with one of the bluest state governors in the U.S.

Check out Pastor Steve’s book, Big Problems, Bigger God: Whatever You Need for Whatever You Face

You may be facing challenging circumstances, intense pain, crushing disappointment, or silent regrets. But you don’t have to fold. You don’t have to resign yourself to defeat.

You can find help and encouragement to get through the tough parts—to clarify the truth about your life, to replace self-sabotaging behaviors, to discover areas where you need a change of heart or perspective. And here’s the promise: As you keep moving forward through adversity, you’ll discover the greatness and the grace of God. Because you’ll realize how truly great and gracious he is only when you endure hard times and emerge on the other side.


Testimony from Steve Smothermon, Warning to Pastors, Dallas, TX 9/2/2020 (Video)

Battle for the Soul of America: Christians & “Politics”

What it means to be Persecuted by Government in the face of a Virus

Liberty Pastors (site dedicated to informing and equipping pastors and believers)

Connect with Steve Smothermon on Facebook (He does not personally run this page)

Jonathan Project: Registering Christian voters through their churches

Biblical Voter – information & resources!