In Mike’s latest book, “American Christianity’s Slide Toward Apostasy: What We Must Do Before It’s Too Late“, he details Satan’s five step plan to bring forth persecution to Bible-believing Christians in America. Spoiler alert: Satan has already accomplished four of the five steps, and step five is knocking at our doors!

We can see how this unfolds when looking at Communist China, where there is a state-sponsored Christianity that is forced to worship government instead of God, and an underground church that is being persecuted frantically. This morning, Mike and Crash contrast two stories from China: The Vatican selling out to Communist government officials and secondly, an underground Christian Church pastor whose home was just ransacked with him being hauled away to prison.

And we continue to look at how Christianity in America is being set up for a similar crossroad. Which churches or denominations will sell out to government and submit to it, and which will be driven underground and persecuted?



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